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Check out our new stock available for sale now!

To order any item from this list simply email me, or use the contact form under the contact heading on this site, and let me know which lot number you are interested in. Keep checking back on this page regularly as stock frequently changes and sold lots are removed as soon as possible.


Please note: currently very busy & have not had much opportunity to update website. Please email or call to let me know of anything specific you are looking for & I would be happy to assist you.




Lot #1
Black Hagner style pages. Please note they do not have holes in the left hand side for ring binder insertion.These ones are perfect for sliding into sheet protectors//display folders from newsagencies etc. Clean unused. The cost is $199 per carton, and there is approximately 450 pages per carton! Full retail now $1.75 each... That works out to a crazy $787.50 at full price! Save $$$$$

Lot #2
Brand New Stamp Tweezers for just $5! Quality brand new Stainless Steel 15cm Stamp Tweezers, Lion Brand with pointed tip, each in it's own protective plastic sleeve. Retail $16.50 each ... Our special price just $5 ... buy one for yourself and grab a few spares at this low price. 200 pcs available!

Lot #3
Australia 1997 The Dreaming 45c fully Imperforate ACSC #2043b lower-right corner block of 6, fresh MUH. Rare & impressive, Cat $1,050++ (Pictured above) $599.00

Lot #4
2 x Seven Seas Royal Blue Hingeless Illustrated Albums
1966-1981 & 1982-2003
Very high level of completion inc some extras on Hagners at the back also some lower and upper case t/T issues, 
No Pre Dec//Postage dues but pages for them are in the back of Volume 1
A few tone spots mostly on outside edges of pages, majority of stamps fine, clean, MUH. 
Retail $1000+ for $429.00

Lot #5
1947-1985 collection mounted on leaves, largely complete (a few are used), plus some MUH extras on stockcards -- 375 mint stamp, 8 mini sheets & 18 used
For $189 the lot

Lot #6
165 First Day Covers affixed on pages in 2 red binders, few tone spots and few PSE but mostly fine. $139 the lot. 

Lot #7 
Australia: 1949 Coat of Arms Pre Decimal Set of 4 complete, mint lightly hinged and well centered. $109.00 

Lot #8 
Australia: 1965 Pre Decimal Navigators £1 and £2 values each in a fine postally used strip of 3. Superb condition, fault free. $149.00 

Lot #9
Australia: 1932 5/- Green Sydney Harbour Bridge, Unmounted mint with selvedge at top. Well centered and clean, a couple of nibbled perfs at base otherwise perfect. $1099.00 

Lot #10
Australia: 1981 24c Tasmanian Tiger ACSC 9802B - MNG Horizontal Imperforate Pair - Scarce and only a few would have leaked out! $149.00

Lot #11
Australia: £2 Kangaroo - Specimen Overprinted Type D CofA Watermark. MLH, a lovely stamp $99.00 

Lot #12
Australia: 6d Kookaburra SG no 19 - Fresh MUH & clean, centered better than most. $179.00

Lot #13
Australia: 10/- Coronation Robes stamp in fine postally used strip of 5, scarce in this format. $59.00

Lot #14
Australia £1 Coronation Robes thick paper John Ash Imprint corner block of 4 - Mint unhinged, well centred, minor tone but so cheap ... $149.00

Lot #15
Australia £1 Coat of Arms value in fine postally used block of 6, a scarce item in this format. $59.00

Lot #16
Australia £2 Coat of Arms in fine postally used block of 4, these are getting increasingly hard to find, many were damaged due to usage on large parcels... $159.00

Lot #17
Australia £2 Coat of Arms in fine mint unhinged block of 4 with selvedge at left, very scarce. $449.00

Lot #18
Australia - 50 all different PNC! A superb collection of 50 all different of these popular Postal Numismatic Covers, all in excellent condition. This range goes right up to 2016 and is amazing value at this low price... just $299.00 for the whole collection ... Less than $6 each... unbelievable value! Be fast, we only have 3 lots left at this price. 

Lot #19

AUSTRALIA POST OLYMPICS VICTORY PNC GOLD MEDALLIST COLLECTION 7 DIFFERENT PNC COVERS IN FOLDER ONE PNC COVER FOR EACH GOLD MEDALLIST An official memento of the 2012 Olympic Games, forming a lasting celebration of Australia’s ‘Golden Moments’ in London.

We are delighted to present Australia Post’s Olympics Victory Gold Medallist PNC Collection. An extremely exclusive limited edition. Australia Post issuing only 1,000 sets. Each numbered. This spectacular release features seven individually numbered PNCs presented in an album. All the 7 PNC’s are all numbered the same. You may not receive the number in the photos. Celebrating one of the seven Australian athletes to win a gold medal in London. Each PNC features a Gold Medallist 60 cent stamp and a 30.60mm Australian legal tender Australian Olympic Team Uncirculated $1 coin. This coin was never in circulation!

Issue Price of the set in folder was AUD$159.95. Due to a lucky buy we can offer these brand new at under issue price~! No massive markups above PO cost here! Just $89.00 each or 5 for $399.00

Lot #20
Australia - Wholesale mint fully gummed postage. Mixture of various Decimal issues with full gum perfect for using up as discount postage, or retailing online for above face value. This material is in short supply and big demand lately. $750.00 per $1000.00 Face value.

Lot #21
Great Britain Collection on pages:
1841-1935 Collection inc QV 1d brown imperf (2), other 1d browns (14), 1870 ½d (2), 2d blue (3), 1855 4d to 1/-, 1862 6d & 1/-, 1865 4d, 9d & 1/-, 1867-72 4d, 6d, 9d & 1/-, 1873 3d, 6d & 1/-, 1880 4d brown, 1883 to 1/-, 2/6 & 5/-, 1887 Jubilee set to both 1/-, KEVII set to 1/-, KGV to 1/-, Seahorses 2/6 & 10/- etc. Plus 1972 Wedgwood booklet.
Generally G-FU, slight mixed condition as usual.
Total Stanley Gibbons cat £7150 = AUD $12,000.00 at time of writing
$479 the lot.

Lot #22
Wholesale lot of Australian mixed PNC with no coin, 750 pieces, excellent source of VFU modern stamps etc, and Priced to clear at just $229.00
Lot #23
United Nations: Collection in three stockbooks 1966-2000, strength in 1990s Mini sheets, interesting booklets, blocks etc. all Agencies represented. High Face Value, a few used but mostly MUH, Many hundreds... $239.00

Lot #24
United Nations: 1962 set UNTEA defs, 1951-76 Souvenir folder with 5 sets, 1980-89 Souvenir folders of Flag stamps, 1989-93 5 souvenir folders of Human Rights issues (30 M/S). VF MUH, plus FDC & cards. (17 folders, 20 stamps etc). All in quality padded binder. $79.00

Lot #25
United Nations: Endangered Species Year Folders comp run (23) 1993-2015 each with a single set of stamps from each office.
New York Flag Series folders (13 diff) 1980-2014 
Human Rights souvenir folder set 1989-93
Plus 4 other folders. All fresh MUH. One folder damaged, the rest fine, a scarce & very attractive lot, total 45 folders. $189.00

Lot #26
Australia 1971 Christmas set of 7 x 7c Stamps
Used off paper in bundles of 100
300 sets (Renniks CV $4080.00)  for just $90.00

Lot #26
New Zealand Private Mail Kiloware, approx 1100 stamps
All close cut on single paper...  Interesting modern lot, seems to be good variety.... $55 the lot.

Lot #27
Pre Decimal Navigators set of 8 different inc both papers - complete in fine used blocks of 4 - what on earth was £8 postage needed for in 1963!? You can buy the normal set all day long but try sourcing in fine used blocks.. you may be waiting a while!! $1100.00

Lot #28
Australia Postally Used Mini Sheets bulk lot special!
ANZUS Imperforate x1 
2017 Norfolk Island Flowers x35
2015 First Victoria Cross x14 
2015 Trees x4 
Face value alone is over $210! Retail even higher
Yours for just $120 the lot. 

Now Available & In Stock!

Seven Seas Stamps ---  The Australasian Stamp Catalogue


32nd Edition

An illustrated listing & guide to the values of stamps and postal stationery of Australian Commonwealth, AAT, Christmas Islands & Cocos Keeling Islands....... Last Edition was in 2010 !!

This 400 page illustrated catalogue lists stamps issued to February 2017!

Update your philatelic reference library now with this superb publication. Many 100's of hours work in producing and updating this volume, and a wide range of upward price increases.

Includes Australia, AAT, Christmas Islands, Cocos Keeling Islands, year books, booklets, post office packs, postal stationery, maxi cards, counter printed stamps, SES sheets, reprints, postage dues... the list goes on!!!

Our price for this publication is $65 + Postage.

Can you afford to NOT have this valuable reference book?

Stock is available now!

To Order just simply:

Email -







Lot #29

AUSTRALIA: 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge with ACSC listed variety 'Retouch over centre of bridge'. Mint Lightly Hinged. BW 148. Well centered, catalogue value $800.00 - Now getting difficult to find. $695



Lot #30

Australia -- 1953 Produce Food - Wheat, Butter and Beef 3d & 3½d both in complete sheets of 100 which could potentially produce 12 strips of 3 & 6 blocks of 9. Superb CTO "GPO Melbourne 11 FE 53" CDS. Retail as individual strips & blocks $500+, as full sheets CTO which are almost never seen, these must surely attract a premium on top of that? $349.00 the pair.


Lot #31

Australia -- Collection of mint 1966-2010 complete inc MS etc on 51 double sided A4 cardboard all LAMINATED, plus 3 sheets of the Olympic Gold Medallists from the Year Books 2000, 2004, 2006 FV approx $1600, plus similar LAMINATED sheets for AAT 1990s-2008 (3), Christmas Is 1966-2008 (34 sides), Cocos Keeling Island (17 sided) 1966-2008 FV approx $340


So all up we have over $1900+ face value of mint Australia & Territories stamps. These will not be any good as discount postage, as the stamps are all stuck inside the laminated pages, but if you want a beautiful load of stamps for your collection very cheap and you don't care about the gummed side, these are perfect at only $295.00 the lot. A saving of about $1600++ off face value, and many attractive sets included which to buy retail would be way above face value… Crazy really, if the old guy owner had used 2 stockbooks @ $50, everything would have been perfect and worth much more than this asking price, don't be THAT Collector who skimps on accessories ;-)



Lot #32

Australia Rarity; 5/- GREY AND YELLOW 2nd Watermark Kangaroo, SG 30, fresh mint very lightly hinged horizontal pair, perfectly centered with one minor plate variety BW 43 D(e) white line to coast in Bight . Even regardless of the variety this is a superb investment item in stunning condition, Catalogue Value of the variety plus one normal stamp is $4,400, don’t pay retail to buy this superb piece…… A superb item well worth tucking into your bottom draw….. $2,499.00



Lot #33

Australia - 1992 BOX LINK Labels x100 Postally Used

Just $59.00 the lot -- Scarce items to locate in such fine condition.

Not often seen in quantity, these are usually a few bucks each VFU. Not exactly "stamps" as such but served a postal purpose just the same. This lot has the dedicated purple timeclock date stamps neatly cancelling each one.


Box Link Labels, issued on March 2, 1992, were for use by post office box holders, so had to go from a post office box to a post office box, in inner city Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. The covers had to be posted in special boxes at designated CBD Post Offices only. 

The Box Link service labels could only be purchased in boxes of 100 for $38, making the value of a label 38 cents. (For stamp collectors, a post office pack of 2 labels was made available)

The standard letter rate at the time was 45 cents so a 7 cent saving was made using the service. 

Standard envelopes required a single label, larger envelopes required two labels.

The system did not catch on and was difficult to administer, therefore the Boxlink service ceased on 6th January 1995.

The 1992 Box Link service was one of the more unusual Australia Post services created. It was designed essentially for business use but anyone who wanted to use the service was able to. It was difficult to administer, and was later decommissioned.

Stamped labels were first issued by Australia Post in 1991, for prepayment of a new parcel service being intially fostered in NSW, and subsequently in Perth, WA.



Lot #34

NEW SOUTH WALES NSW 1850 SG 23, 2d Grey Blue Sydney View, plate 11, mint unused, dated bale, early impression with catalogue value of £11,000 (almost A$22,000) top right hand corner is missing as shown, but at this price a steal…$189.00



Lot #35

Australia - 5/- GREY AND YELLOW Kangaroo - SG 13, BW 42B w, First Watermark, cancelled to order (no gum) but a very pretty stamp with a current catalogue value of $600, a nice stamp for someone at under half of CV. $229.00



Lot #36

Australia: KGV 1924 4d 4 Pence Olive perfined "OS" marginal block. Centred bottom right. Fresh MUH. SG 083, ACSC 118Ab Cat. $2400 for block. Now a bargain, $339.00



Lot #37

AUSTRALIA - 1915: 2d grey, 2½d indigo, 9d violet and 1/-blue-green Roos - all 2nd Watermark and in Mint or MLH condition - fresh appearance with reasonable to excellent centring - total c.v. £440. Priced to clear $299.00



Lot #38

2/- Brown Kangaroo (1913, 1st wmk). Melbourne CTO with MLH fresh gum. SG 12. $89.00



Lot #39

Australia - £1 Robes SG 78 – Super fresh right hand top corner block of 4! No toning or rust, very attractive, fresh clean gum…. $299.00


Lot #40

Australia 1954 Birds / Flowers "Stamp News" mini sheets. These were produced in 1954, by Bill Hornadge over 60 years ago, to demonstrate to Australian Post Office that stamps could be more attractive than what they were delivering. Available as tête-bêche pair of miniature sheets (8 stamps) @ $99.00 or single mini sheet (4 stamps) with "ESSAY" overprint in gold @ $55.00 each. Or the pair for $135.00



Lot #41

AustraLia Kangaroo's 9D Violet SG 10, First watermark bulk lot of x5 Mint, many lightly hinged, just $219.00 the lot.



Lot #42

AUSTRALIA: 5/- Kangaroo GREY-BLACK AND ORANGE SG 42, Third Watermark in very lightly hinged mint mint condition, original gum with very bright fresh colour, has excellent centering. $299.00



Lot #43

AUSIPEX 1984 exhibition 2 superb padded binders with massive collection of various countries material produced and sold throughout this expo. Retail is massive and these albums are now very difficult to find. The pair for just $209.00



Lot #44

Australia Wholesale Commercial Covers; 1980s CDS Datestamps on Australia Post official mail stampless covers, good variety of towns represented. Approx 300 items, I have seen these getting good prices individually but from me the whole lot at just $109.00 the lot



Lot #45

Australia – Modern Collection 300 different stamps, all CTO / Cancelled To Order -- inc many full sets, popular AAT, Cocos (Keeling) Islands & Christmas Islands, Higher values and International Post, all full gum and light neat corner cancels. st $49 per pack.



Lot #46

Australia: 1930 £2 Grey and Rose-Crimson Small Multiple Wmk Kangaroo used copy, with a few shortish perfs at RH side, Telegraph Office postmark, an attractive copy to fill that difficult gap… just $359.00



Lot #47

The HOARD - For those of you who want a massive ready made collection in your hands - Dozens of hours work already done for you! Massive WORLD Colection of 10,000 different stamps, in 10 albums, 1000 stamps per album, all neatly hinged in there for you. Great assortment of stamps at cents each - build your collection up fast! $595.00









Lot #48

Australia - 1d KGV Detailed Study FLAWS, ERRORS (Book) by D.S. Wallen O.B.E.
BOOK - Superb Study of the 1d KGV issues listing and illustrating numerous Major and Minor ERRORS, FLAWS and VARIETIES. 6 pages, packed with valuable and detailed information. INCLUDES ALL SHEET POSITIONS. 
A MUST for the serious collector of Australia 1d KGV.  $29.00 per book. 



Lot #49

Australia postally used block of 4 - 1949 £1 Coronation Robes - Fine Used. $179.00



Lot #50

Australia - SNAPSHOT! Pacific Explorer 2005 World Stamp Expo Sydney 21-24 April 2005 Personalised Prestige Booklet. This booklet and the following lot 185 are the two key Australian prestige booklets. If you visited the expo, you had the opportunity to get your photo on tabs of all 4 stamp issues released at the expo. This exclusive booklet also contains stickers, maxi cards and info on the expo. $49.00 each - two available.



Lot #51

Australia - Melbourne 2006 Commonwelth Games XVIII - My Souvenir Snapshot Personalised Stamp Booklet. 15-26 March 2006. You were able, for a short time to get your own face in a stamp Prestige Booklet - as a tab at the RH side and also on maxicards etc. $49.00 each - two available.



Lot #52

Australia Post - 1990's Tax Pack Express Program - You could mail in your tax return to the ATO with a single $20 solo stamp on the DL envelope to pay the processing fee for your tax return. Many covers were cut down and soaked off as VFU singles, not a lot survived. Here we have a little collection of 11 such covers, just $99 the lot.



Lot #53

Australia - 1913 1d carmine-red engraved KGV Head in a block of 6, used – some perf. separation, no thins, tears or bends. BW(ACSC) Cat. # 59C. SG Cat. # 17. These are really hard to find in postally used blocks like this. $79.00 



Lot #54

Australia - ACSC 146 - 2d Engraved Sydney Harbour Bridge - Block of 6 with Melbourne GPO CTO date stamp postmark. Multiples like this now getting very difficult to source. $99.00



Lot #55

Australia -- Stanley Gibbons 111 - Small Multiple Watermark 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo.

Variety: White line adjacent to cost in bight.

SOTN / Socked on the Nose Postmark: MUNDIWINDI WA CDS. $309.00




Lot #56

New Zealand mint Collection in Lighthouse album on hagner pages mint. Includes, blocks, strips, complete sets and singles. Many 1990's "best of" miniature sheets. Interesting pre dec and decimal health stamps, also a range of overprinted MS. 32 pages, most are double sided vario brand. $179.00 the lot.


Lot #57

UPU Thematic Collection: World lot of MUH stamps annotated on hagner pages, 64 pages, $129.00 the lot.



Lot #58
1937 ROBES SG178 £1 Robes on thick paper, unmounted mint John Ash block of four, very minor toning, still a very pretty piece, priced to sell....$159.00 


Lot #59
£2 1949 ARMS SG224d, a superb mint unhinged block of four with selvedge at left for just $399.00


Lot #60
North West Pacific Islands: N.W.P.I £1 Kangaroo Brown and Blue SG 99 type a, a fine used stamp with Sismondo Certificate (Canada) Nauru Radio Station postmark for $499.00


Lot #61

Wholesale Australian commercial covers 
All circa 2005-2006 addressed to Australian Prime Minister John Howard. (!)
Love him or hate him, this stuff is scarce ;-)

17.8 kg of self adhesive commemoratives.

11 kg of self adhesive definitives.

Most have been opened on an automatic letter opener which slices about  1mm from the top of the cover.

Some have been opened with a hand letter opener.

All a nice and clean, been stored in dust and moisture proof plastic storage tubs out of direct sunlight.

These usually got wood chipped back in the day.... The estate owner was still working at the PM’s Department and these covers were not really meant to leave the building ;-)

Saw a lot of nice postmarks. This really isn't something you'll see ever again! Amazing lot, 1000's of covers at just cents each.  $359.00 the lot 



Lot #62

Second Hand Clean used hagner pages x100+ 

Good condition, mixed sizes. These are now $1.75 each retail to buy new = $175+

The whole lot for just $59.00



Lot #63

Australia - Wholesale mint fully gummed postage. Mixture of various Decimal issues with full gum perfect for using up as discount postage, or retailing online for above face value. This material is in short supply and big demand lately. $750.00 per $1000.00 Face value.




Lot #64

2 x PNG publications. Papuan Philatelic Society Green Binder with The Postal history of PNG 1945-1984 Volume 1 by V.A. Rutherford & The Postal History of PNG 1945-1998 Volume 2 inc postage paid markers, relief postmarkers, dead letter offices & air mail late fee etc. Fascinating pair of publications. $109.00



Lot #65

Bulk Junk / Mystery Boxes/Cartons - Clearance of material from our office floors! Stock is up the walls, buy yourself one of these lots to keep busy and help us clear space! $200.00



Lot #66

New Zealand Packet with 300 different used stamps - Including higher values, some harder to find and also Kiwi private mail issues. Just $25.00 per pack.


Lot #67

1500 All Different Australian stamps includes high values and recent issues right up to 2015 - Super affordable way to add a heap of stamps to your collection - all off paper and clean. Hours of work done for you! $99.00 per packet.




Lot #68

Covers - Military: 1992-93 (Australian) UNTAC (United Nations Transitional Authority Cambodia) operations. Correspondence from an Australian Army PO in Cambodia to Victoria (46) with "FPO/4" cds cancels May 1992 to Jan 1993 & to the same soldier from Australia (80) addressed to "WO Maggs STT 1 SIG SQN/ASC UNTAC/AFPO 4/ International Mail Centre Sydney NSW 2890". A seldom seen modern Australian Army active service overseas correspondence. Usual minor opening faults, Fine to very fine overall condition - a superb collection of 126 covers, very popular military theme & what a price... $275.00



Lot #69

Australian PO publicity cards with 1967 Christmas set pairs, 1968 WWW 5c & 20c pairs. 1968 Intelsat 25c block of 4 & 1968 Soil/Medical sets (2), cards a bit sun-tanned from exposure to bright lights whilst on display at POs, pinholes in 4 corners, as per usual for this material which was used to market new issues at time of release. Very scarce group, as most were discarded into bin and not retained for collectors. ACSC cat $600. Now a bargain, $199.00



Lot #70

Australia 1949 Arms £2 block of 4. Superb well centered & very fine used. A difficult stamp to find in postally used blocks like this... and just $109.00



Lot #71

Australia: Commonwealth of Australia PO Guide, no 41, pub 1950, 970 pages inc rates & charges (inc foreign destinations), prohibited imports inc Banknote Imitations, Counterfeit Coins, Electric Snuff, Essence of Lager Beer, Imitation Brandy & Tea (exhausted or adulterated) & list of Post & Telegraph Offices in the Commonwealth. First 2 pages torn, otherwise very good condition, a very useful research tool particularly rates of postage to overseas. Buy yourself a nice piece of PO history. $120.00



Lot #72

Pierron's Modern Great Britain & Commonwealth Missing Colour Errors 1952 to date' (2008), perfect bound, 796 pages in colour (weighs 1.7kg), the only complete reference work for modern British Commonwealth errors, in excellent used condition. This book now out of print and very few copies have appeared on the secondary market. $89.00






To order any item from this list simply email me, or use the contact form under the contact heading on this site, and let me know which lot number you are interested in. Keep checking back on this page regularly as stock frequently changes and sold lots are removed as soon as possible.




© 2019 by Sandy Bay Stamps. Wholesale - Retail - Import - Export. PO Box 91, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia 7006. Tasmania Australia Stamps Collecting Philately Collectors Dealers Buying and Selling. Stamps... We love them. Buying or selling stamps? We can help you. Phone us on 0437 166 251

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